Rewriting the rules of infrastructure monitoring

Back in 2013, a significant percentage of cloud-based transactions weren’t going through at the company where Costa Tsaousis was COO, massively affecting the performance of their business.

To try and uncover the cause, Costa and his team tried all the monitoring tools then available, to no avail. Not one could even come closer to pinpointing the issue. At the time they couldn’t believe that monitoring systems provided so few metrics and with such low resolution, scaled so badly, and cost so much to run.

In frustration, Costas started to build his own tool. From the ground up.

The vision: to build a global community equipped to troubleshoot the technology that runs the world

As IT infrastructures become ever more complex, our ever-evolving solution will continually lighten the burden of developers, SREs, DevOps and SysAdmins. And just like Linux, the Netdata Agent will always remain open-source. We are utterly committed to a community-first approach, with hundreds of contributors, thousands of GitHub stargazers, and millions of users, including at companies like Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

Join our remote-first workforce

Netdata’s employees span the globe. Founded in Greece, Netdata is incorporated in the United States, with hubs in Athens and the San Francisco Bay Area, and now has people across Europe and both American continents.

Meet the Executive Team

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Costa Tsaousis

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Costa has built his original idea of a real-time collector into today’s most effective IT infrastructure troubleshooting tool. Previously, he worked for 25 years in the online IT services industry, helping disruptors like, Viva Wallet, and Hellas Online become serious challengers in their fields. Costa is also the primary developer behind FireHOL, a “firewall for humans”, that builds secure, stateful firewalls from easy-to-understand, human-readable configurations.

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Chris Akritidis

Chief Operating Officer

Chris rallies the day-to-day efforts of the Netdata team with 15 years of experience in delivering IT-empowered business solutions. Before Netdata, he focused on optimizing performance and efficiency for telecom companies Liberty Global and Forthnet, and Hellas Online.

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Dimitris Protogirou

Chief Financial Officer

Dimitris is Netdata’s CFO. He has worked in the US, France, UK, Greece and performed assignments in several other countries. For the last 15 years, he has held CFO and CEO positions in SMEs within the telecoms, pharma and software sectors. Dimitris is experienced with general management, fundraising and transaction execution (both buy and sell side). His most recent positions were CFO of Softomotive in London and CEO of Sourcebits in San Francisco.

Our Investors


Get in touch with Netdata

For technical questions about the product or to report an issue, visit us on Github, or join us in the Forums and Discord.

For general questions and media relations, please contact us at

Mailing address

Netdata, Inc.

548 Market St #31942

San Francisco, CA 94104-5401


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