Dynatrace vs Datadog vs Instana vs Grafana vs Netdata!

Hands-on experience of the most popular monitoring solutions

Dynatrace vs Datadog vs Instana vs Grafana vs Netdata!

In this post, we delve into the comparative analysis of the commercial offerings of five leading monitoring solutions—Dynatrace, Datadog, Instana, Grafana, and Netdata. Our objective is to unravel the intrinsic value each of these services offers when applied to a real-world scenario. To accomplish this, we employed trial subscriptions of these services to monitor a set of Ubuntu servers and VMs, each hosting a pair of widely-used applications: NGINX and PostgreSQL, along with a couple of Docker and LXC containers. Additionally, we extended our monitoring to physical servers to evaluate the efficacy of these tools in capturing hardware and sensor data along with VMs monitored from the host.

Our assessment is anchored in three fundamental aspects:

  1. Out-of-the-Box Value: We aim to understand the immediate benefits each tool provides with minimal configuration, essentially evaluating the insights and data accessibility available right after a standard setup.
  2. Resource Commitment: It’s crucial to gauge the extent of resources (time, computational, etc.) that users must allocate to maintain and operate these monitoring solutions efficiently.
  3. Impact on Monitored Infrastructure: Understanding the footprint of these tools on the systems they monitor helps in making informed choices, particularly in environments where resource optimization is paramount.

Our comparison is guided by a trio of criteria we hold in high esteem:

  • High-fidelity: The ability of a tool to unveil comprehensive, detailed insights with the finest granularity possible.
  • Easiness: We value user-friendliness, especially for individuals who view monitoring as a means to an end rather than their primary professional focus. The tool should be straightforward to set up, navigate, and sustain.
  • Completeness: An ideal monitoring solution should offer a holistic view, minimizing any blind spots and providing a comprehensive understanding of the infrastructure.

We’ve set a collective baseline, aggregating the capabilities of all the tools to define a 100% benchmark. Each tool is then evaluated against this benchmark to determine its relative performance across our criteria.

As we proceed, remember that our analysis is inherently subjective, rooted in the specific priorities and values we’ve outlined. Whether you’re a seasoned monitoring professional or someone tasked with overseeing an IT infrastructure, our findings aim to provide a clear, nuanced perspective on how each tool stacks up in the real world.

IMPORTANT: All monitoring solutions tested are feature-full and comprehensive and can effectively monitor anything required by their customers. Our evaluation focuses on what is easily achievable with minimal effort. What is readily available either without any user action or with just some simple configuration, with instructions provided by the monitoring system itself.

Installation and Configuration

All solutions use an agent that is installed on all monitored systems.

Users are expected to copy and paste a command from the UI, which includes various unique tokens, and paste them to the terminal of each server, or integrate it to their CI/CD or provisioning system, to deploy the agents.

When it comes to configuration, monitoring solutions use 2 paradigms: a) Centrally, or b) At the edge:

  • Centrally means that users are expected to configure data collection jobs and agent features from the UI, without the need to access the servers via ssh. This is usually preferred on environments where the infrastructure is static and can be easily managed centrally.

  • At the edge means that users need to edit configuration files on each server to configure data collection jobs or agent features. This is usually preferred on environments that are automatically deployed, since users can use observability-as-code and maintain the configuration files in git repositories for version control and auditing.

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Agent OneAgent +
Datadog Agent Instana Agent Grafana Agent Netdata Agent
Data Collection
Centrally At the edge At the edge At the edge Centrally* and
At the edge
Alerts Configuration Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally* and
At the edge
Users & Dashboards
Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally
Dashboards Access Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally Centrally and
At the edge
Internet Access
Partial Partial Partial Full
Dashboards without
Internet Access
No No No No Yes

* The central configuration of Netdata is currently in its final stages. It is planned to be released in Match 2024.

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Dynatrace has 2 components that need to be deployed on-prem. OneAgent (their systems agent), and ActiveGate (a secure proxy that also provides synthetics tests execution, monitoring remote or cloud applications, and more).

ActiveGate can be used to route OneAgent traffic, monitor cloud environments and remote applications, and run synthetic monitors.

After installation, Dynatrace agents do not need any local configuration. Everything is controlled centrally from Dynatrace.


The core features and data collection jobs of the Datadog agent need to configured on each server. Then additional configuration is needed centrally to enable modules specializing in certain applications or technologies.

For isolating production systems from the internet, Datadog suggests to use an outbound web proxy.


Data collection configuration happens via configuration files at each server.

Instana provides an on-prem version of the solution, when internet access isolation is required.


The Grafana Agent needs local configuration for all data collection jobs and features.

For internet access isolation, Grafana provides a number of alternatives for metrics and logs, which usually require running databases (e.g. Prometheus) locally.


Netdata needs to be configured locally, for data collection jobs, features and alerts.

We are currently at the final stages of releasing Dynamic Configuration, a feature that allows configuring Netdata centrally, while still pushing and maintaining all configurations at the edge. Dynamic Configuration for data collection jobs and alerts will be released with Netdata version 1.45 (in March 2024).

Unlike the other monitoring solutions, Netdata uses the agent as a distributed database. So, instead of pushing metrics to Netdata Cloud, it only advertises which metrics it collects and maintains. All the features, including data collection, retention, querying, machine learning, alerting, etc are implemented by the open-source Netdata Agent, at the edge.

Netdata Agents can be configured to act as observability centralization points, thus isolating and offloading production systems from observability tasks. This feature is called streaming and it actually turns Netdata Children into data-collectors and Netdata Parents into multi-node observability centralization points.

Netdata supports vertical scalability via Netdata Parents and virtually unlimited horizontal scalability via Netdata Cloud, which transparently merges independent Netdata Parents and Agents into an integrated and uniform infrastructure.

Since all Netdata Agents installed are complete observability stacks, Netdata allows accessing dashboards locally too. This provides highly available dashboards, even in case the infrastructure is facing internet connectivity problems.

systemd Services Monitoring

systemd is a system manager that has become the de facto standard for most Linux distributions. It is responsible for initializing, managing, and tracking system services and other processes during boot and throughout the system’s operation.

Monitoring systemd services and units is crucial for ensuring that essential services are always running as expected, allowing the tracking of performance and resource usage of services over time and the detection of errors, abnormal behaviors and security related issues.

To effectively monitoring systemd services we are interested in the following:

  1. Listing all current systemd units and their statuses, similar to what systemctl list-units can provide.
  2. Listing all current systemd services and their resources utilization, similar to what systemd-cgtop can provide.
  3. Maintain metrics, under the normal metrics retention, for the resources utilization over time, for each of the systemd services. The solution should provide default dashboards for these metrics, and also offer them at custom dashboards.
  4. Explore and analyze the logs of systemd units, with the ability to at least filter by systemd unit.

When it comes to systemd services and units, this is what the monitoring solutions provide:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Listing all current units Partial - - - Yes
Listing all current services and their resource usage - - - - Yes
Explore and analyze systemd units logs Yes Yes - Yes Yes
systemd services Status over time Partial - - - Yes
systemd services CPU Usage over time - - - - Yes
systemd services Memory Usage over time - - - - Yes
systemd services Disk I/O over time - - - - Yes
systemd services # of Processes over time - - - - Yes
Single-Node dashboards available - - - - Yes
Multi-Node dashboards available - - - - Yes
Metrics available for custom dashboards - - - - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
2/11 1/11 0/11 1/11 11/11
  • Partial means that the information collected is a part of what others provide.
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Dynatrace tracks the type of each systemd service and a single metric about its availability. There is no information about their resources usage. Also the information is not real-time. It seems it is updated according to the data collection interval (per-minute).


This information is only available in the “classic” version of the host monitoring, so probably will be removed in the future.


Datadog has a systemd integration for collecting metrics, but it requires to configure all systemd units it should collect data for. Without this, it collects just the number of units by state.

Furthermore, it collects these metrics by querying systemd itself instead of querying cgroups, so it requires specific features and versions of systemd to collect additional data.


Instana does not monitor systemd services.


Grafana Cloud does not provide a cloud connector for monitoring systemd services and units.


Netdata provides excellent integration with systemd for monitoring systemd units and services. All tools and dashboards are available by default, without any user configuration.

On multi-node dashboards, the metrics provided by Netdata are aggregated across nodes, per service, with slicing and dicing capabilities.

Systemd services metrics: image

The live list of systemd units: image

The live list of systemd services: image

Processes Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of the processes that are executing on a system, is crucial for ensuring the optimal performance, security, and reliability of the system.

There can be a really large number of processes running and on top of that, processes may be ephemeral (start and stop multiple times across time, eg. from shell scripts). To deal with this situation, monitoring systems follow 2 approaches:

  1. Processes are grouped in one or more ways, reducing their infinite cardinality to something that can be finite over longer periods. This allows the monitoring systems to maintain metrics for them, retain them for the usual retention supported.
  2. Processes are provided in a special “live” mode, allowing users to explore them and analyze them, either with very small or no retention. This is usually referred as “live monitoring”.

This is how the monitoring solutions have decided to monitor processes:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
“live monitoring” per PID - Yes Partial - Yes
Processes are aggregated in pre-defined groups Yes - - - Yes
Support for user defined groups Yes - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the user they run - - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the user group they run - - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the CGROUP they belong - - - - Yes
Short lived processes aggregated by their hierarchy - - - - Yes

And this is the information available for processes, each monitoring system provides:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
CPU Usage Abstract Yes Yes - Yes
Context Switches - Yes - - Yes
Memory Usage Abstract Partial Yes - Yes
Memory Page Faults - - - - Yes
Physical Disk I/O - - - - Yes
Logical Disk I/O Yes Possibly - - Yes
Network Connectivity Yes Yes - - Yes
Network Traffic Abstract Yes - - -
Network Sockets - Yes - - Yes
Network Issues Yes Yes - - -
# of Processes Yes - - - Yes
# of Threads - Yes - - Yes
# of File Descriptors by descriptor type - Abstract Abstract - Yes
% of File Descriptors Yes - Yes - Yes
Uptime Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Process Logs Yes Yes - Yes Yes
DNS queries per process, by response type Partial Yes - - -
Security Checks for supported Technologies Yes - - - -
Live monitoring of all processes resources usage - Yes - - Yes
Live monitoring of all processes TCP and UDP sockets - Yes - - Yes
Processes are aggregated in pre-defined groups Yes - - - Yes
Support for user defined groups Yes - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the user they run - - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the user group they run - - - - Yes
Processes are aggregated by the CGROUP they belong - - - - Yes
Short lived processes aggregated by their hierarchy - - - - Yes
Processes single-node dashboards Yes Yes - - Yes
Processes multi-node dashboards - - - - Yes
Processes metrics available in custom dashboards Yes Partial - - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
14/29 15/29 4.5/29 1/29 25/29


  • Possibly means that we tried it, the UI shown something relevant to it, but there were no values shown.
  • Partial means that the information presented was limited compared to the others.
  • Abstract means that the information presented was an aggregated summary compared to the others.
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Dynatrace’s deep process monitoring, detects the technology stacks processes are built with, and based on the libraries they use it can detect known vulnerabilities:

In our case, it detected these vulnerabilities:

  • Container Breakout (Leaky Vessels), in grafana-agent and datadog-agent
  • Stack-based Buffer Overflow, in datadog-agent
  • Open Redirect, in datadog-agent
  • Observable Timing Discrepancy, in instana-agent

Example: SQL Injection in grafana-agent: image



Datadog has an add-on package for detailed Network Monitoring. Without this, Datadog does not provide network information per process.

Datadog maintains metrics for Processes for the last 36 hours.


Instana seems that it monitors select processes only. It does not provide any information about the other processes running on a system.



Grafana does not have a cloud connector for monitoring processes. There is a vast ecosystem around Grafana and probably monitoring processes can be accomplished via a 3rd party Prometheus exporter which via a Prometheus installation can push metrics to Grafana Cloud.


Netdata provides a comprehensive list of tools for monitoring processes and their resources.

Processes metrics aggregated per process group, and on the menu on the right, aggregated per user and user group: image

The live list of processes running, per PID: image

The live list of UDP and TCP sockets on a system, aggregated per PID: image

Containers Monitoring

Container monitoring is the process of continuously collecting, analyzing, and managing the operational data and performance metrics of containers and applications running inside them. Given the dynamic and ephemeral nature of containers, monitoring is crucial for ensuring the reliability, efficiency, and security of containerized applications, especially in complex and scalable environments like microservices architectures.

The following is a list of the containers related monitoring features available for each observability platform:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
CPU Usage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CPU Limits Yes Yes Yes - Yes
CPU Throttling Yes Yes Yes - Yes
CPU Pressure - Partial - - Yes
Memory Usage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Memory Page Faults - Yes - - Yes
Memory Limits Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Memory Pressure - Partial - - Yes
Disk I/O - Yes Yes - Yes
Disk I/O Throttling - - - - Yes
Disk I/O Pressure - Partial - - Yes
Network Traffic - Yes Yes Yes Yes
# of Processes - Yes - - Yes
Container Logs Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Container Processes Yes Yes - - Yes
Docker/containerd containers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Docker exposed metrics and information - Yes - Yes Yes
LXC/LCD containers - - Yes - Yes
Kubernetes containers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
KVM/libvirt/Proxmox VMs CGROUPS - - - - Yes
All kinds of kernel CGROUPS - - - - Yes
Associate virtual network interfaces to their containers - - - - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
9/21 14.5/21 10/21 6/21 21/21
  • Partial means that part of the information is provided, compared to what other monitoring systems offer.
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Dynatrace provides limited information for containers. Especially network, disk I/O and pressure information, are completely missing.

Also, Dynatrace does not provide any Docker related information (states, health, images, etc).



Datadog collects most of the information available, however several metrics are not visualized by default. They are available for custom dashboards and alerts. Datadog supports only docker and containerd containers. LXC/LXD containers are not supported.



Instana supports both Docker and LXC containers, but the information presented is relatively limited.



To monitor containers, Grafana requires running the grafana-agent as root to enable the embedded cAdvisor, which then collects metrics from Docker.

The information presented by the default Grafana dashboards, is limited.



Netdata collects containers information via kernel CGROUPS. It then associates veth network interfaces to each container and contacts docker, kubernetes, libvirt, etc to collect additional labels to enrich the information presented.

The same way Netdata collects containers information, it collects also Virtual Machines information from the host.



Network Monitoring

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Physical Network Interfaces Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Virtual Network Interfaces - Yes - - Yes
Wireless Interfaces - - - - Yes
IPv4 Traffic - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv4 Fragments - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv4 Errors - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv4 Broadcast - - - - Yes
IPv4 Multicast - - - - Yes
IP TCP - Yes Yes Yes Yes
IPv4 UDP - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv4 UDPlite - - - Yes Yes
IPv4 ECN - - - - Yes
IPv4 RAW Sockets - - - - Yes
IPv6 Traffic - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv6 Fragments - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv6 Errors - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv6 Broadcast - - - - Yes
IPv6 Multicast - - - - Yes
IPv6 TCP Sockets - Yes - Yes Yes
IPv6 UDP - Partial - Yes Yes
IPv6 UDPlite - - - Yes Yes
IPv6 RAW Sockets - - - - Yes
SCTP - - - - Yes
Firewall - - - Yes Yes
IPVS - - - - Yes
SYNPROXY - - - - Yes
Traffic Accounting - - - - Yes
Quality of Service - - - - Yes
Wireguard VPN - - - - Yes
OpenVPN - - - - Yes
List all sockets live - Yes - - Yes
Sockets metrics in custom dashboards - Yes - - -
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
1/32 10/32 2/32 14/32 30/32
  • Dynatrace and Instana do not provide much information about the Networking stack.
  • Datadog provides aggregates for IPv4 and IPv6 for most protocols.
  • The actual list of sockets a system, its processes and its containers have, are only listed by Datadog (with the Network Performance add-on), and Netdata (included).
  • Datadog maintains sockets related metrics for 14 days.

Storage Monitoring

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Block Devices Throughput Yes - Yes Yes Yes
Block Devices Utilization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Block Devices Operations Yes - Yes Yes Yes
Block Devices Latency Yes - - Yes Yes
Block Devices Queue Yes - - Yes Yes
Block Devices Backlog Time - - - - Yes
Block Devices Busy Time - - - - Yes
Block Devices Merged Operations - - - - Yes
Block Devices Extended Statistics - - - - Yes
Mount Points Capacity Usage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mount Points Inodes Usage Yes - Yes Yes Yes
Network File System
- Yes - - Yes
Server Message Block
- - - - Yes
Software RAID - - - - Yes
Zettabyte File System
- - - - Yes
BTRFS - Yes - - Yes
BCACHE - - - - Yes
Ceph - Yes - Yes Yes
IPFS - - - - Yes
HDFS - Yes - Yes Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
7/20 6/20 5/20 9/20 20/20

Of course, there are hundreds of technologies and storage vendors out there. We list here the most commonly open and freely available technologies available.

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For the storage layer, Datadog provides the smallest dataset. Also, it does not provide dedicated screens for monitoring block devices or mount points. It needs to be done via custom dashboards. It only collects metrics only for disk capacity (free, used) and the time spend reading or writing. No throughput or operations.



Instana provides for mount points: disk space and inode usage. It then monitors the underlying block devices, for the mounted disks. The information provided is basic: reads/writes for operations, throughput and utilization.

When monitoring the performance of mounted filesystems, the block devices that are not mounted but are still used (e.g. mounted by a VM) are not monitored.




Physical Hardware Monitoring

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Motherboard Temperatures - - - - Yes
Motherboard Voltages - - - - Yes
Fans Speed - - - - Yes
IPMI Monitoring
Intelligent Platform
Management Interface
- - - - Yes
Advanced Error Reporting
- - - - Yes
Memory EDAC
Error Detection And Correction
- - - - Yes
Disks Temperatures - - - - Yes
S.M.A.R.T. Disks - - - - Yes
NVMe Disks - - - - Yes
RAID Arrays - - - - Yes
UPS - Yes - - Yes
Batteries - - - - Yes
Power Supplies - - - - Yes
CPU Sensors - - - - Yes
GPU Sensors - - - - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
0/15 1/15 0/15 0/15 15/15

This table surprised us too. We installed all monitoring solutions on an enterprise server with 256 cores and 1TiB RAM, running hundreds of LXC containers and VMs. Nothing related to the hardware was detected by any solution except Netdata.

We searched on their integrations lists to find something related. We found UPSC and APC UPSes in Datadog (we didn’t try them). Also on Datadog we found an integration called “Hardware Sentry” which is a 3rd party company that requires an independent subscription in order to be used.

For Grafana, we know that there are numerous 3rd party provided Prometheus exporters capable for providing such information, but the “Connections” list at Grafana Cloud did not list them, did not suggest them and did not provide instructions on how to use them. The only hardware related connection we found at Grafana Cloud is “RaspberryPi”, which however installs an agent to collect system metrics, not hardware sensors.

Netdata on the other hand, collects information from all sensors and all hardware components, and it has a special handling for monitoring hardware errors: Modern Linux systems expose thousands of metrics related to hardware errors. But these counters are just zero on healthy systems. So, instead of collecting, storing and visualizing all these zeros, Netdata collects them, but as long as they are zero it ignores them. If any of them is non-zero, then a chart will appear and an alert will be associated with it, indicating the hardware error found. This way Netdata monitors all hardware sensors and components, without affecting retention or visualization, until they are useful.

Dashboards & Visualization

All monitoring solutions provide some dashboards for single-node monitoring, although to a varying degree each.

Only Netdata has a policy that every metric collected is correlated and visualized by default.

Most other solutions provide some kind of a metrics list that can be used to find what metrics are available. Even in this case, only Datadog provides enough information to understand the cardinality quickly. For all others, the users are expected to perform queries to understand cardinality before they actually use the metrics.

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Automated Dashboards for all metrics - - - - Yes
Automated Dashboards for a single system Partial Partial Partial Partial Yes
Automated Integrated Dashboards for all systems - Partial - - Yes
Automated Dashboards for single Applications Partial Partial Partial Partial Yes
Automated Dashboards for multi-node Applications - Partial - - Yes
Metrics Explorer Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Custom Dashboards Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Advanced Custom Charts without using a Query Language - - - - Yes
Dynamic Custom Dashboards
slice custom dashboards with dashboard-level filters
- Yes - Yes Partial
Advanced Statistical Functions on custom charts Yes Yes - - Partial
Multi-y-axis Custom Charts Yes Yes - Yes -
Custom charts from logs - Yes - - - -
Custom charts from processes information Yes - - - Yes
Custom charts from sockets information - - - - Yes
Anomaly rates on all charts - - - - Yes
Metrics Correlations - Yes - - Yes
Search for anomalies across all metrics - - - - Yes
PLAY mode to update visualization in real-time - - Yes - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
5/18 9/18 2/18 5/18 15/18
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The default dashboards provided by Dynatrace are basic without much interactive control. Still, the single node dashboards are well thought and provide a good summary. Multi-node dashboards are not provided, but there are a few charts is some sections that provide some limited view on multi-node information.

We found the custom dashboards of Dynatrace confusing and hard to use. The point-and-click functionality is so limited that is useless. Users have to learn Dynatrace’s query language to take control of their charts.

For some strange reason, custom charts created show labels as UUIDs (we tried network interfaces, disks, processes, hosts, etc), which makes them awkward, without providing an easy way to reveal their names.

The metrics explorer provided, provides a lot of information per metric, but it misses the most important one: information about the cardinality of the metrics (i.e. how many time-series each metric has, based on what attributes). This means that you have to query each metric in a way to understand its cardinality, and then perform the query you need. Also, the metrics explorer lists a lot of information that is not available in your environment. It is like Dynatrace tried to list everything that they can potentially collect, independently of whether it is available or not.

When editing custom charts, the metric selector provides friendly names for the metrics, but these names are frequently overlapping to each other. For example “Bytes Received” is listed for hosts, network interfaces and processes. So, you have to select each of them to get additional information and find the one you need.

When slicing and dicing metrics in custom charts, Dynatrace does not provide any contextual information. For example, when you filter for processes, you have to know the process names. There is no auto complete to help you understand what is available.


The default dashboards provided by Datadog are basic. Datadog provides some multi-node dashboards, however these are also quite limited and probably serve as a quick access for users to copy and customize.

Creating custom dashboards with Datadog is a more pleasant experience compared to Dynatrace. Datadog has solved all the problems that still exist in Dynatrace, so it provides a smoother, faster and easier experience for users.

It is interesting that Datadog allows creating charts that combine metrics and values extracted from logs. So, you can create a chart that has dimensions from both metrics and logs in the same chart. However, the information available in Processes, or Network Performance (sockets) is not available in custom dashboards. So, while you can extract metrics from logs, you cannot chart for disk I/O, memory, CPU utilization, etc of processes or sockets. This seems contrary to the promise for “integrated” tools that is advertised.

The labels provided are limited. For example we couldn’t filter by physical or virtual network interfaces, disk type, make or model, etc.


The out of the box dashboards of Instana are basic and mainly limited to single nodes or single containers.

For custom dashboards, Instana uses the idea of “Application Perspectives”.

Unfortunately, the UI did not help us to successfully create such application perspectives. It required values, without providing any contextual help on what we could write there. So, after spending some time on this feature, we gave up without completing the task.

Another very confusing fact about Instana, which is also true to some degree for Dynatrace, is that the UI lists of items about all things the system supports, without filtering the ones we actually have available. This strategy provided very long lists of things, without helping us understand what applies to your infrastructure and what is not.


Grafana is well known for being a Swiss-army knife for visualization. However, the default dashboards provided by Grafana are basic.

The query editor of Grafana is very close to the one provided by Datadog and provides a straightforward experience with contextual help in every step.

Still, a lot of metrics are missing and even the ones available are usually missing important labels that could provide more power to the platform.


Netdata provides fully automated dashboards for all metrics. Every metric collected is correlated and visualized in one of the sections provided out of the box.

All Netdata charts provide filtering capabilities for nodes, instances, dimensions and labels. We call this the NIDL bar and it serves 2 purposes:

  1. Allow users to understand where the data are coming from. So, the NIDL bar provides drop down menus explaining the contribution of each data source to the chart.
  2. Allow users to filter these data sources (slice the data) using any of the NIDL attributes (nodes, instances, dimensions and label keys and values).

On every chart, there are additional controls to:

  1. Re-group the data on the chart using any of the possible combinations, even using multiple groupings concurrently (dice the data).
  2. Change the aggregation functions (across time and across time-series) to achieve the desired result.

At the same time, anomaly rates are available on all NIDL drop-down menus and the anomaly ribbon of the chart, which shows the overall anomaly rate of the query across time.

The info ribbon at the bottom of all charts provides information about missing data collection points, or overflown counters, across time. Netdata works at a beat. Missed data collections are not filled at visualization time. They are maintained as gaps and when data are aggregated into charts, the info ribbon provides information about the gaps encountered on all time-series involved, across time.

Users can create custom dashboards by dragging and dropping the provided charts into new pages and then re-arrange them, resize them and change their visualization type. This eliminates the need for a metrics explorer (the default dashboards serve this purpose) and metrics selectors (the default dashboards have full text search filtering capabilities), for creating custom dashboards.

Netdata allows segmenting the infrastructure into rooms and even within each room it provides global filters to allow segmenting all the dashboards at once, including custom dashboards. This makes dashboards a lot more dynamic, capable of visualizing different aspects of the infrastructure at a click.

Netdata’s data collection to visualization latency is less than 1 second, and the global date-time picker supports a PLAY mode, allowing users to feel the “breath” of their infrastructure in real-time.

Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring is the process of testing the performance, or availability of services and components, by checking them from the outside, as a consumer of these services and components.

Synthetic monitoring involves simulating user interactions or API calls to test various aspects of a system, such as its availability, functionality, and performance, from various locations or environments. This external monitoring perspective is crucial because it provides an objective view of the system’s status, independent of internal monitoring mechanisms that might not capture the full user experience.

These are the synthetic monitoring checks and assessments the monitoring solutions support:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Browser Emulation Check Yes - Yes - -
HTTP/HTTPS API Check Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host Availability Check - Yes - - Yes
CI Job Status Check - Yes - - -
Logs Check - Yes - - -
TCP Port Check - Yes - Yes Yes
Process Running Check - Yes - - Yes
Process Uptime Check - Yes - - Yes
Ping Check - - - Yes Yes
DNS Check - - - Yes Yes
Traceroute Check - - - Yes -
Domain Expiration Check - - - - Yes
X.509 Certificate Expiration Check - - - - Yes
I/O Ping Check - - - - Yes
Idle CPU Jitter Check - - - - Yes
Filesystem Check - - - - Yes
Directory Check - - - - Yes
File Check - - - - Yes
FIFO Pipe Check - - - - Yes
systemd Service Check - - - - Yes
Custom Checks with Scripting - - - - Yes
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
2/21 7/21 2/21 5/21 17/21

Artificial Intelligence


Dynatrace advertises Davis AI as its artificial intelligence solution. Davis is frequently mentioned throughout the UI, providing assistance in various places.

However, based on our experience with the system, Davis seems more like a sophisticated expert system that uses several hard-coded rules and correlations to detect issues, and less than a strictly speaking “machine learning engine”.

Of course Davis seems very valuable and is able to detect many common issues, however the same kind of issue detection is achieved by Netdata stock alerts (the out-of-the-box alerts Netdata provides), which do not use AI by default.

On the UI, when building custom dashboards, Dynatrace provides forecasting and anomaly detection, when asked to do so (is is a manual action). This looks more like a dashboard feature (i.e. perform some statistical analysis on the visible data), than real machine-learning training models in the background.


Datadog provides outlier detection and forecasting functions to custom charts. However both seem to be based on statistical functions, not real machine learning running in the background.

There is a feature called “Watchdog”, which according to the documentation is based on machine learning. However, the way this works and is presented, resemble more of some kind of statistical analysis. Of course its findings are valuable. It is just that it does not seem to be machine-learning.

The documentation also mentions that the “Watchdog” is part of the APM package.


Instana documentation and marketing material mentions machine learning, but we didn’t find it anywhere while using the product.


Grafana provides machine learning as part of their Alerts & IRM features. The feature requires from users to define metrics for which machine learning models will be trained and then used for outlier detection or forecasting.

The good about it is that is can be used to train machine learning models on multiple data sources, even SQL queries. However, the whole feature set is limited to whatever create manually.


Netdata trains multiple machine learning models to learn the patterns of each metrics. These machine learning models are then consulted in real-time, during data collection, to detect if the sample collected is an outlier or not.

The result of this outlier detection is stored in the database, with the sample value.

When Netdata queries metrics, it automatically calculates the anomaly rate of each of the points presented on the dashboard. This anomaly rate is the percentage of samples found anomalous, versus the total number of samples aggregated to that point. So, it ranges from 0% to 100%.

Since anomaly rates are stored in the database, Netdata can query the past and reveal the anomaly rates the samples have, with the models as they were at the time the samples were collected.

Anomaly rates are used everywhere on the Netdata dashboards. Every chart has an anomaly ribbon that shows the overall query anomaly across time. Every facet of the query, including nodes, instances, dimensions and labels are also reported with their anomaly rates, which is visualized at the NIDL drop-down menus (slicing and dicing controls) each chart has.

Anomaly rates are also used to annotate the table of contents of Netdata dashboards, to quickly spot the most anomalous sections, for any given time-frame, and also with a feature called “Metrics Correlations” to filter the entire dashboard based on anomaly rates.

Netdata also computes a “node level anomaly score”. This is the percentage of the metrics of a node, that were anomalous at the same time. It reveals the inter-dependencies of metrics. Anomalies across metrics happen in clusters because the metrics of a system are interdependent, so a slow disk will affect I/O throughput and IOPs, which will affect the throughput of the database running on this system, which will affect network traffic, affect CPU utilization and so on. So, the “node level anomaly score” can indicate how “severe” an anomaly is.

Netdata provides a special tool to deal with node level anomalies: “anomaly advisor”. This tool provide a multi-node dashboard of the node level anomaly scores of all the nodes. This reveals interdependencies across nodes. So, a slow database will affect the throughput, the network traffic and CPU utilization of an application server, which will affect similar metrics on a load-balancer, and so-on. The anomaly advisor can reveal these interdependencies and also drill down to reveal the most anomalous metrics across all nodes for any given time-frame.


Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
systemd-journal Partial Yes - Yes Yes
systemd-journal namespaces - - - - Yes
systemd standard fields - Yes - - Yes
Containers logs Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Application text log files Yes Manually - Manually Manually
Boot logs Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Logs Coverage
Yes = 1
- = 0
anything else = 0.5
3.5/6 4.5/6 0/6 3.5/6 5.5/6
  • systemd-journal is about having all the systemd journal log entries available.
  • systemd-journal namespaces shows if the monitoring system detects and ingests namespaces journals. Namespaces are used by systemd units to isolate application and service logs from the rest of the system (LogNamespace= line in systemd units).
  • systemd standard fields shows whether the monitoring system has all the standard systemd-journal fields available for querying. The systemd standard fields like _MESSAGE_ID, UNIT, _USER_UNIT, _BOOT_ID, ERRNO, _UID, _GID and many more, provide valuable filtering capabilities for logs. Most monitoring systems however do not provide them.
  • Containers logs shows if the monitoring system can automatically pick up container logs.
  • Application text log files shows if the monitoring system can ingest custom log files of any application a user may have.
  • Boot logs shows if the monitoring system presents system boot logs, that is the logs that were generated during system startup, before any application is started.
👉 Click here to see comments per provider...



Dynatrace ingests /var/log/syslog and the dashboard asks if the user wants to ingest third party log files found in /var/log. So, without much of a burden all logs are being monitored by Dynatrace.

Furthermore, Dynatrace seems that it monitors system logs to extract events of interest, like start / stop of services and more, which are presented as Events in various places.

Dynatrace probably monitors system logs via /var/log/journal, which does not include all the messages and the fields available by systemd-journal.

For example:

# journalctl -r _COMM=systemd-tmpfile  | head -n 1
Mar 04 18:27:40 ubuntu2204 systemd-tmpfiles[117782]: /run/finalrd-libs.conf:50: Duplicate line for path "/run/initramfs/lib64", ignoring.

# grep "Duplicate line for path" /var/log/syslog
<no output>

That line is found on all other monitoring systems supporting systemd-journal, but not in Dynatrace.



Datadog requires manual configuration to ingest systemd-journal logs.

For system logs, Datadog provides a fixed list of fields, covering basic information about the application that logged: the syslog identifier (i.e. the application name), the priority (level), the action, the username, the container name and the image name.


Instana does not support logs natively. It integrates to 3rd party systems and services for logs.



  • Grafana requires manually configuration to ingest systemd-journal logs.
  • When other log files need to be ingested, Grafana requires configuring the grafana-agent or running promtail for each log file to be ingested.



Netdata queries systemd-journal files directly, by opening the files and reading them.

For converting plain text log files, Netdata provides log2journal, which converts plain text log files into structured systemd journal entries and pushes them to the local systemd-journald, or a local journal namespace, or a remote systemd-journal system, for indexing and querying.

systemd-journald provides an infinite cardinality of logs. Each log entry may have its own unique fields, with their own unique values, and all are indexed for fast queries. However, when logs are ingested into the log management systems of monitoring providers, they lose these special attributes, and only a handful of fields are extracted and indexed, making exploration and filtering a pain. Netdata solves this problem by querying the logs directly at their source, using all the information that is available.

systemd-journald supports building logs centralization points utilizing its own tools. When Netdata is installed on such centralization points, it automatically detect the presence of logs from multiple systems and it provides an integrated and unified dashboard mixing the fields of all servers into a single view.

Resolution & Retention

Each monitoring provider has its own unique strategy when it comes to resolution and retention. Let’s see them.


Dynatrace collects metrics per-minute and keeps retention in tiers, for up to 5 years, as shown below:

Resolution Duration
per minute 14 days
every 5 minutes 28 days
per hour 400 days
per day 5 years


Datadog collects metrics every 15 seconds and keeps them in full resolution for 15 months.


Instana collects metrics with many different resolutions. The exact data collection frequency for each metric is hard-coded into it.

It collects metrics per second, every 5 seconds, every 10 seconds and every minute and keeps them in tiers for 13 months, as shown below:

Resolution Duration
1, 5 and 10 seconds 24 hours
per minute 1 month
every 5 minutes 3 months
per hour 13 months


Grafana supports variable resolutions, but the default for grafana-agent is per minute. It keeps the samples for 13 months.

Keep in mind that collecting metrics more frequently, affects billing.


Netdata is the only solution that keeps retention at the edge, even when the SaaS service is used.

Users can control the retention they need by dedicating disk storage to their agents. When Netdata Parents (centralization points) are used, production systems can run with a very small retention (or no retention at all), and Netdata Parents will maintain retention for all the systems that push their metrics to them.

Netdata collects all metrics per second, unless the data source does not provide the metrics at that resolution, in which case Netdata adapts to the best resolution the data sources provide.

Netdata has very efficient disk footprint, and it usually works like this:

Resolution Bytes per Sample Storage Duration
per second 0.6 1 GiB 12 days
per minute 5 1 GiB 80 days
per hour 30 1 GiB 2 years

So, by dedicating 3 GiB of storage space to each server, users get about 2 years of retention. Of course, these depend on the number of metrics collected.

Keep in mind that unlike other systems that lose detail when down-sampling the metrics into tiers, Netdata maintains the minimum, maximum, average, sum and anomaly rate of the original high-resolution samples, across all tiers. So, spikes and dives are not lost, even when the metrics are down-sampled. This is why the bytes per sample changes in tiers.

Agents Resources Utilization

The following script extracts average CPU utilization and Memory usage for any systemd service.


datadog="datadog-agent-sysprobe.service datadog-agent.service datadog-agent-process.service datadog-agent-trace.service"
dynatrace="oneagent.service remotepluginmodule.service extensionsmodule.service dynatracegateway.service"

for provider in datadog dynatrace instana grafana netdata; do

	for service in $(eval echo "\$$provider"); do
		# Get the status of the service
		status=$(systemctl show $service)

		# Extract necessary values
		ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic=$(echo "$status" | grep "^ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic=" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
		CPUUsageNSec=$(echo "$status" | grep "^CPUUsageNSec=" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
		MemoryCurrent=$(echo "$status" | grep "^MemoryCurrent=" | cut -d '=' -f 2)

		# Convert ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic to seconds
		ExecMainStartTimestampSec=$(echo "$ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic / 1000000" | bc -l)
		#echo "ExecMainStartTimestampSec=$ExecMainStartTimestampSec"

		# Get the current monotonic time in seconds
		CurrentMonotonicSec=$(cat /proc/uptime | awk '{print $1}')
		#echo "CurrentMonotonicSec=$CurrentMonotonicSec"

		# Calculate the service's running duration in seconds
		DurationSec=$(echo "$CurrentMonotonicSec - $ExecMainStartTimestampSec" | bc -l)
		#echo "DurationSec=$DurationSec"

		# Convert CPUUsageNSec to seconds
		CPUUsageSec=$(echo "$CPUUsageNSec / 1000000000" | bc -l)
		#echo "CPUUsageSec=$CPUUsageSec"

		# Calculate average CPU utilization
		# Multiplying by 100 to convert to percentage
		CPUUtilization=$(echo "scale=2; $CPUUsageSec * 100 / $DurationSec" | bc -l)

		cpu=$(echo "$cpu + ($CPUUsageSec * 100 / $DurationSec)" | bc -l)
		mem=$(echo "$mem + $MemoryCurrent" | bc -l)

	mem=$(echo $mem | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B --format="%.2f")
	printf "%15s: CPU average %%%.2f, RAM: $mem\n" "$provider" "$cpu"

This is what we get:

        datadog: CPU average %14.03, RAM: 972.24MiB
      dynatrace: CPU average %12.35, RAM: 1.41GiB
        instana: CPU average %6.67, RAM: 587.84MiB
        grafana: CPU average %3.33, RAM: 413.82MiB
        netdata: CPU average %3.63, RAM: 181.07MiB

In the table below we also added their disk space and disk I/O rates:

Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
CPU Usage
100% = 1 core
12.35% 14.03% 6.67% 3.33% 3.63%
Memory Usage 1.4 GiB 972 MiB 588 MiB 414 MiB 181 MiB
Disk Space 2.0 GiB 1.2 GiB 262 MiB 2 MiB 3 GiB
Disk Read Rate - 0.2 KiB/s - - 0.3 KiB/s
Disk Write Rate 38.6 KiB/s 8.3 KiB/s - 1.6 KiB/s 4.8 KiB/s

Note that Netdata runs with default settings. This means per-second data collection for 3k+ metrics, 3 database tiers stored at the edge, machine learning enabled for all metrics and more than 300 alerts looking for errors and issues.

Egress Bandwidth

To monitor egress bandwidth for a single node, we used tc to match all traffic towards the internet, for each of the systemd services cgroups.

👉 Click here to see how

This is fireqos configuration (/etc/firehol/fireqos.conf):

nft flush table inet mon_agents 2>/dev/null
nft -f - <<EOF
table inet mon_agents {
    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;

        # Exclude private and special-purpose IP address ranges
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept
        ip daddr accept

        # Apply marks for specific services
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/netdata.service" meta mark set 0x00000001 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/instana-agent.service" meta mark set 0x00000002 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/oneagent.service" meta mark set 0x00000003 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/dynatracegateway.service" meta mark set 0x00000003 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/dynatraceautoupdater.service" meta mark set 0x00000003 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/extensionsmodule.service" meta mark set 0x00000003 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/remotepluginmodule.service" meta mark set 0x00000003 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/datadog-agent-trace.service" meta mark set 0x00000004 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/datadog-agent.service" meta mark set 0x00000004 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/datadog-agent-sysprobe.service" meta mark set 0x00000004 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/datadog-agent-process.service" meta mark set 0x00000004 meta nftrace set 1 counter
        socket cgroupv2 level 2 "system.slice/grafana-agent.service" meta mark set 0x00000005 meta nftrace set 1 counter

wan="$(ip -4 route get | grep -oP "dev [^[:space:]]+ " | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
[ -z "${wan}" ] && wan="eth0" && echo >&2 "Assuming default gateway is via device: ${wan}"


echo "${PRIVATE_IPS}"

for xx in ${wan}/world

        ip link show dev $dev >/dev/null 2>&1
        [ $? -ne 0 ] && continue

        interface $dev $name output ethernet balanced minrate 15kbit rate 1000Mbit
                class netdata
                        match rawmark 1

                class instana
                        match rawmark 2

                class dynatrace
                        match rawmark 3

                class datadog
                        match rawmark 4

                class grafana
                        match rawmark 5

This provided the following chart in Netdata:


Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
rate (kbps) 36.3 35.5 17.2 15.3 0.03
monthly (GiB) 11.4 11.1 5.4 4.8 0.01

To calculate the monthly consumption we used:

monthly GiB = rate_in_kbps * 86400 / 8 * 365 / 12 / 1024 / 1024

As shown, Netdata does not really use any internet traffic. Since Netdata does not push the samples and the logs to Netdata Cloud, the only bandwidth used is when users are viewing these data. We measured the bandwidth used when users view the dashboards via Netdata Cloud and we found that each Netdata uses on the average 15 kbps per viewer, for the time the viewers use a dashboard the node participates.


Assuming a node that:

  • runs 24x7
  • generates about 2 GiB of logs (or about 500k log entries) per month, retained for 30 days

All prices are updated Mar 8, 2024, and refer to monthly billing.


Features Pricelist Monthly Price/node
Infrastructure monitoring $0.04 per hour per node $29.2
Application security $0.018 per hour per node $13.1
Logs Management and analytics Ingest: $0.20/GiB
Retain: $0.0007/GiB/day
Query: $0.035/GiB

Total price per node: $43.3 per node per month

Dynatrace has also pricing for synthetic tests, kubernetes, and more.


Features Pricelist Monthly Price/node
Infrastructure Enterprise $27/node/month $27.0
Network Monitoring $7.2/node/month $7.2
Logs Management Ingest: $0.10/GiB
Retain: $3.75/million entries/month

Total price per node: $36.2 per node per month

Datadog provides a lot more tools, each with each own pricing. Synthetic monitoring is an extra.


Instana publishes volume discounts. The single node price for Infrastructure nodes starts at $20.6 per node per month, with a minimum of 10 nodes.

If APM is needed, Instana pricing starts at 77.4 per node per month.

Instana does not support logs. It integrates with 3rd party services and systems for logs.


Grafana’s pricing is based on Data Points per Minute (DPM). With the resolution tested of 1 DPM per metric and assuming 1k metrics per node (Netdata collects 3.5k metrics on the tested nodes), we have:

Features Pricelist Monthly Price/node
Metrics $8/1k series/month $8.0
Logs Management Ingest: $0.50/GiB $2.0

Total $10 per node per month.

Grafana also charges for users $8 per user per month, or $55 per user per month with access to Enterprise plugins. For users to access machine learning, IRM add-on is required, at $20 per user per month.


Netdata charges $4 per node per month, all features included.

Aggressive volume discounts are applied which progressively lower the price down to $1 per node per month when having more than 5k nodes.


Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Agent Dynatrace
OneAgent + ActiveGate
Datadog-Agent Instana-Agent Grafana-Agent Netdata Agent
Granularity 1-minute 15-seconds 1-second 1-minute 1-second
Retention 5-years
in tiers
at 15-seconds
in tiers
at 1-minute
in tiers
typically 3 GiB provide 2 years
Coverage Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
systemd Services 18% 9% 0% 9% 100%
Processes 48% 52% 16% 3% 86%
Containers 43% 69% 48% 29% 100%
Storage 35% 30% 25% 45% 100%
Networking 3% 31% 6% 44% 94%
Hardware & Sensors 0% 7% 0% 0% 100%
Logs 58% 75% 0% 58% 83%
Synthetic Checks 10% 33% 10% 24% 81%
Dashboards 28% 50% 11% 28% 83%
Agent Resources Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
CPU Usage
100% = 1 core
12.35% 14.03% 6.67% 3.33% 3.63%
Memory Usage 1.4 GiB 972 MiB 588 MiB 414 MiB 181 MiB
Disk Space 2.0 GiB 1.2 GiB 262 MiB 2 MiB 3 GiB
Disk Read Rate - 0.2 KiB/s - - 0.3 KiB/s
Disk Write Rate 38.6 KiB/s 8.3 KiB/s - 1.6 KiB/s 4.8 KiB/s
Egress Internet Traffic
per node per month
11.4 GiB 11.1 GiB 5.4 GiB 4.8 GiB 0.01 GiB
for infra monitoring
Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
Technology Coverage
with native plugins
Average High Low Average Excellent
Out of the box functionality High
Davis AI alerts, processes, logs
processes, sockets
Low Low Excellent
dashboards, alerts, logs, processes, sockets
Learning curve Average Average Average Steep Excellent
Powerful Average
no sockets, hard custom dashboards
High Low Average
no processes, no sockets
Detailed Low
per-minute resolution, few metrics
15-seconds resolution, processes, sockets
too few metrics, low high resolution retention
per-minute resolution, too few metrics
per-second resolution, all metrics, processes, sockets
how much integrated the provided tools are
High High Low Low High
Customizability High High Low High High
for infra monitoring
Dynatrace Datadog Instana Grafana Netdata
price per node per month $43.3 $36.2 $20.6 $10.0 $4.0
price per user per month - - - $20 -
extra charges a lot
metrics, logs, Kubernetes, synthetic tests, security scanning and more
a lot
metrics, logs, containers, Kubernetes, synthetic tests, security scanning and more
none a lot
users, metrics, logs, machine learning
egress bandwidth per node per month
on AWS $0.09/GiB
$1.00 $1.00 $0.49 $0.43 $0.001



Dynatrace marketing material heavily promotes its AI capabilities, through its Davis AI engine. However the essence of what Dynatrace does, is that it provides some high-level insights, without requiring extensive manual setup or configuration. So, they use a combination of analytics, rule-based algorithms, and perhaps some machine learning (we couldn’t verify this) that collectively form what they refer to as “AI.”

What we liked about Dynatrace:

  1. Dynatrace comes with a lot of errors and problems detection out of the box. It is interesting that they named them “Problems” and they associated them with Davis instead of normal alerts. This is similar to what Netdata does with its stock alerts, under a more fancy name.
  2. Dynatrace names the metrics in a way that is more straight forward for users to understand, like Disk Latency (it appears to be the same with disk.iowait in Netdata). It is apparent that they have given some thought to it.
  3. Apart from installing OneAgent and ActiveGate, the platform never asked us to configure anything by hand. All configuration happened via the UI.

What we didn’t like:

  1. A 1-minute resolution may not be sufficient for monitoring modern systems.
  2. Users might feel constrained or that “something is missing”. It is like the UX is optimized for the flows they had in mind, without providing the full power to users to use it the way they see fit.
  3. As you go deeper, the solution is not polished enough. There are many inefficiencies all over the place, slowing you down and preventing you from working fluently. For example, when creating custom dashboards, it is not easy to understand where the data are coming from, which makes you first do a query to understand the metrics (e.g. group by something) and once you know what data are there, then do the query you really need. Datadog solved this problem by providing cardinality information at the metric info. Still, the solution we have given to Netdata with the NIDL bar above each chart (for slicing and dicing) seems superior to both.
  4. The service is basic for infrastructure monitoring. The lack of sockets monitoring and advanced networking information is notable.
  5. Complete lack of any multi-node dashboards out of the box. All the multi-node dashboards you need, you have to build them yourself.
  6. The Dynatrace agent is heavy both in terms of CPU and Memory.
  7. This is an expensive service.


Datadog is a powerful platform. The UX gives freedom and power to users, and for the things they monitor, the dashboards deep dive into the information available.

What we liked about Datadog:

  1. The Datadog Processes Monitoring and Network Performance Monitoring are nice, although both are charged extra and are quite expensive. The Netdata network viewer we started last month, is still at its early stages, although we believe that soon we will be able to compete head-to-head with the Datadog one.
  2. The tools are quite integrated, so processes, logs, network sockets, etc are all available in a contextual manner.
  3. There are many integrations available.

What we didn’t like:

  1. Without Processes Monitoring and Network Performance Monitoring, the solution’s capabilities for infrastructure monitoring are basic.
  2. Limited coverage for infrastructure technologies and physical hardware.
  3. No alerts or problems detection out of the box. All alerts need to be configured manually.
  4. Very limited support for monitoring operating system services (systemd-units).
  5. Missing LXC containers and VMs (monitoring VMs from the host).
  6. Only few integrations get automated dashboards, and even for the integrations that have dashboards, they do not visualize all the information available. For most metrics, dashboards need to be built manually.
  7. Processes and sockets monitoring have limited metrics retention (processes for 36 hours, sockets for 14 days).
  8. The Datadog agent is heavy both in terms of CPU and Memory.
  9. This is an expensive service.


Instana appeared to be less comprehensive compared to the other services we tested. The look and feel is very similar to the Dynatrace “classic” dashboards. We know that they provide strong support for monitoring IBM products (DB2, etc), so probably this monitoring solution is targeting this niche.

What we liked:

  1. Instana and Netdata were the only solutions that detected short gaps in the VMs execution. So, we paused the VMs for a few seconds. All the other monitoring solutions did not detect anything. But for Instana and Netdata this was a major event and all the charts had gaps in them for the time the VMs were paused.

What we didn’t like:

  1. They don’t support logs. They integrate with third party services for that.
  2. The 1-second resolution is available for only 24 hours. This means that on Monday you cannot see in high resolution what happened during Saturday.
  3. The metrics collected are limited.
  4. Their ecosystem is not big enough. Most google searches reveal limited or no information from third parties.


Grafana has a vast ecosystem and community. Of course this ecosystem is available for all monitoring solutions to use, and all do one way or another.

To get a complete monitoring solution out of Grafana, users need to invest a lot in skills and time. Most of the dashboards provided by default are basic, so users are expected to configure the whole monitoring by hand. This ecosystem has a lot of moving parts, each with a different degree of maturity and flexibility, increasing significantly complexity.

What we liked:

  1. Vast community.
  2. Open architecture.
  3. A Swiss-army knife for visualization.

What we didn’t like:

  1. The default 1-minute resolution for the Grafana agent was unexpected. Grafana knows that this is not enough for monitoring today’s systems and applications, but probably it was needed for justifying the pricing (at higher resolution the service is more expensive).
  2. Primitive default dashboards, probably aligned to the DIY philosophy of Grafana.
  3. Grafana primarily focuses on Metrics, Logs, and Traces, which, while foundational, represent just a subset of the full observability spectrum. For a truly holistic view of the monitored infrastructure, additional dimensions such as Process Monitoring, Network Connection Monitoring, and Systemd Service Analysis are essential. These additional layers enrich the observability landscape, providing deeper insights and a more comprehensive understanding of system behavior.
  4. Crafting a mature and comprehensive monitoring solution with this platform becomes overly complex, involving too many independent moving parts.


Since this our blog, I will prefer to describe what I learned from this journey.

Holistic approach

Most monitoring solutions try to minimize the number of metrics they ingest, avoiding certain technologies they don’t see as important, or abstracting and summarizing the available information.

Netdata is the only monitoring solution that is committed to monitor all infrastructure technologies available today, in full detail and resolution. Netdata monitors all Linux kernel features and stacks, all protocols, all layers, all technologies, without exceptions.

Of course Netdata can also work in higher levels, by collecting application metrics and logs from all available sources, applications, cloud providers and third party services. But while doing so, we keep our commitment to a holistic approach, maintaining all the information available for all the underlying technologies and layers.

Decentralized & Distributed

When I started this post, I was expecting that Netdata will be the “heavier” among the agents. It has to be, because it does a lot more work. It is the only agent that is a monitoring solution by itself, it collects data per-second, stores the data in its own database, trains machine learning models for all metrics, queries these data, and many more, all happening at the edge.

To my surprise, the Netdata agent is one of lightest! And given the resolution (per-second) and the number of metrics it collects, it offers the best unit economics (i.e. resources required per sample).

This proves that Netdata is on the right path. The decentralized and distributed nature of Netdata decouples resolution and cardinality from the observability economics, without adding cost to users, allowing Netdata to be the most cost efficient monitoring solution, while also providing high fidelity observability without compromises.

Out of the box

In this setup, Netdata was installed with default settings. The only change was to give to it the password for connecting to postgres. Everything else just happened, from logs and metrics, to dashboards, alerts, processes, sockets and machine learning. The stock alerts we ship with Netdata did their job, and triggered alerts for network interface packet drops, way before Dynatrace’s Davis reported the same.

All monitoring providers see value in providing an out of the box experience, but only Netdata so far has applied this across the board, to all the information available.

All other solutions depend on users, to create custom dashboards and structure them the way they see fit. Netdata however, correlates and visualizes everything by default.

Compared to the other monitoring solutions, Netdata’s presentation is probably too flat, which combined with the amount of information available in Netdata dashboards, makes the presentation look “overwhelming” at first sight. This is our next challenge. We need to improve, so that they are more contextual, presenting the information in layers, on a need-to-know basis. The good thing with Netdata is that it has a lot more information than the others, so it can go deeper and broader than them.

Charts & Dashboards

I was also surprised to find out that Netdata charts and dashboards are actually a lot more usable and efficient than the others.

For most monitoring solutions, editing charts is a complicated and challenging task. How to allow users select metrics. How to provide all the aspects of each metric so that users can quickly understand what this metric is, which sources contribute to it and how much. Then, how to allow them describe what they need in an easy and straightforward way.

The NIDL bar Netdata provides above each chart, although it makes the UI a little more busy, it is far simpler, quicker and easier to use, than any of the solutions the other monitoring systems provide. Users do not need to learn a query language and all the functionality is just a click away, making Netdata charts easier to grasp and use.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is a broad and trendy term, often leveraged for marketing purposes.

During our evaluation, we did not observe clear evidence of active machine learning processes in the background of these solutions.

Grafana allows configuring machine learning for some of the metrics. This aligns with the DIY philosophy of Grafana, however it limits significantly its use.

Dynatrace and Datadog, most likely use statistical functions and rule based algorithms, not real machine learning.

Netdata is probably the only tool that uses real machine-learning at its core. The source code is open-source, so users can review it. And at the same time, we have made the most to reveal all ML findings everywhere on the dashboards. All charts have anomaly rates on them, the table of contents can provide anomaly rate per section, and we have added special tools to help users analyze the findings of machine learning.

I think our break-through is that Netdata managed to make machine learning lightweight. Of course, it doubles the CPU consumption of the agent (this test was done with ML enabled at Netdata - without ML Netdata would also be the lightest in terms of CPU), but all processing is spread evenly across time, avoiding CPU spikes. This provides affordable and reliable machine learning, running at the edge, for all metrics collected.


Netdata’s lower pricing does not indicate inferiority compared to the others.

To the contrary, Netdata is superior is many aspects: full technology coverage, per-second granularity, low-latency real-time visualization, lightweight, simple to install, run and maintain, machine learning for all metrics, powerful dashboards without learning a query language, and many more.

However, the design of Netdata changes the cost structure of monitoring. Netdata allows observability to be a lot more cost efficient for both Netdata and its users, and therefore a lot more affordable for everyone.

We wanted this to be reflected in our pricing, so that our customers can enjoy the benefits of this design without having to spend a ton on other competitor solutions!

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